

PickleballTournaments.com Problem/Suggestion

We strive to provide outstanding customer service. For general questions, problems/suggestions including player accounts and sign-in or technical support please fill out the email template below. We will respond to your inquiry within 1-2 business days. These emails will go to the selected recipient below. Click the submit button once complete. We can also be reached by phone at (253) 200-4451.

Please note: If you have tournament specific questions regarding registrations, payments, partners, schedules, brackets, etc., please contact the tournament director directly. You will still need to fill out your name and email address. Then use the drop down box to locate the specific Tournament you have questions concerning. Enter the string of numbers and add your comments in the Comment Box. Click the submit button once complete. The selected recipient will respond to your inquiry.

  PT.com Support
  Tournament Director
Entering this string, helps ensure a person is sending this email, not a bot.

